Monday 11 March 2013

Gifting Never Was So Much Fun Before

I love gifting people. The only issue is that I don’t like normal gifting style using the regular material. This problem of mine was solved by Jampaper by providing me with innumerable creative options, from Color Envelopes to PaperClips!

After going through their product range in the online catalogue, I have changed the way I gift presents and cards to people. I can now choose to gift cards in as many colored envelopes as I want, wrap my gifts in something as innovative as a Black Wrapping Paper, Clear Wrapping paper or even a purple wrapping paper, completed with a satin ribbon or a Wraphia! Not only have these essentials, even my gift wrap accessories have been transformed; all thanks to them!

Since I love writing letters, I now can make a compilation of papers and bind it with not necessarily the plain paper clips but with any colored paper clips ranging from Pink colored butterfly paper clips or even a regular shaped yellow paper clips.

When I first saw Jampaper’s collection, I literally planned a week of celebration. So impressed was I with their affordable prices that I decided to take full advantage of that. I decided to dedicate each day of one week to my family, gifting them articles with a color theme matching what I feel about them. I then ordered my requirement and then started my gifting spree!

My naughty evil brother got an ‘I Hate You’ and an ‘I Still Love You’ card in colored envelopes of Black and Red, respectively. My father-cum-friend got a photo frame with our photo in it, wrapped in a Yellow Wrapping paper and my beautiful mother’s gift containing a silver plated mirror was wrapped in a Silver wrapping paper. All tied with beautiful wraphia ribbons, I was all ready to shower my love on them!
Can’t tell you how happy they were after receiving it. My bet on Jampaper to give me the best was a huge success. With them I have found my perfect gifting partner!

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